Thursday 2 September 2010

The Altar of the Most Pile

Kneeling before the altar of the Most Pile
There is a holy reverence in the stillness.
This is the place of sanctification.
A moment of the sacred as I await the call.
The depth of the holiness as I breathe in anticipation
Of drawing out and refilling.

I am met here daily as I rest upon my knees
After the triumphal sound of the crescendo
There comes the whisper, a single note
Open up the heavens and pour out a blessing
To make the turnaround prosper
Renew and brighten the countenance upon us

This is common ground
Well used for the purpose
Made holy by my act of cleansing
Blessings follow
The breath of life upon the garments
The wind lifting them up to play upon the breeze.

Meet me here Lord
In this my act of service
I delight in the newness of all things
And rejoice for the coming day of redemption
When I will be clothed in glory
Without spot or stain or wrinkle
The process is complete.